Frequently Asked Questions

What time does school start and end?

This fall, our school day returns to a 9:30 am - 4:00 pm schedule. Doors will open at 9:20 am for student arrival through Door 1 only (on Penn Ave. by the flagpole). Breakfast is available free of charge for any students who would like to eat.

If you're picking up your student after school, go to Door 8 located on the Franklin Avenue side of the building, near the gym. Families will be allowed to come into Door 8 at 4:00pm (the pre-pandemic protocol) to collect their children. Any student not picked up by 4:10pm will be brought to the office at Door 1, which is located on the Penn Avenue side of the building.

My child is riding the bus, how does that work?

You will receive notification (email and/or robo call) regarding the location and times for the bus stop in mid-late August. Please call the school office at 612-668-2760 if you have not received notification by August 31st.

Plan to arrive at the bus stop at least 5 minutes early (or more for the first few weeks) as buses adjust to the schedule. Please keep in mind that transportation may need to make updates to the schedule throughout the year. Many families exchange phone numbers with the other families at the bus stop in case of an emergency. Staff will assist students with getting off the bus in the morning and on the bus at the end of the day.

Transportation provides an app called “Here Comes the Bus” to help families navigate when the bus is coming. (This system tracks buses, not students.) Be advised that this is not a perfect system and does not work if there is a substitute bus or substitute driver. To sign up, you will need the student ID number and the school code of 87018. You can find the link on the MPS website, here.

Where can I park if we are coming to Kenwood?

Our location is wonderful, but parking can be an issue. Families should find street parking in the neighborhood. Parking lots are reserved for staff members. Staff hours vary, so even if spots are available please do not park in the lots. Please check street parking signs carefully and be aware of any snow emergency rules that may be in effect. Do not park on the school side of Penn Avenue (this is reserved for buses), in front of door 4 on 21st street or door 8 on Franklin Avenue. These areas are clearly marked with city street parking signage and are for the safety of students. Thank you for your cooperation.

My child usually takes the bus but I need to pick them up, what should I do? 

Whenever there is any change to the after school plan, please email both the classroom teacher and the office ( before 10:30am, although earlier is better.  After 10:30am, please call the main office at 612-668-2760. Teachers and staff are not always able to check email during the school day as they are busy working with students. We understand that last minute changes happen, we ask that you do what you can to avoid that happening on a regular basis as the office and classrooms are especially busy at the end of the day. If you do need to make a last minute change, please call the main office before 2:00pm.

I need to pick my child up early for an appointment. What should I do?

Please send an email to both the teacher and the office. Classes sometimes go to the school forest, have an extra recess, are in a reading buddies room, or are learning outside. If we know that your child is leaving early, teachers can make arrangements. 

My child is sick, who should I call?

Call the Kenwood Health Office at 612-668-2766. (Please add this number to your contacts.) If your child is not coming to school, leave a message including the student’s first and last name, classroom teacher, reason for the absence (including any symptoms the child is having), the person making the call, and a number where you can be reached if there are any questions. Students should not return to the building until they are without symptoms (fever, vomit, diarrhea) for 24 hours with no medication.

I’m not sure if my child is too sick for school, what should I do?

Please view this reference sheet for guidelines for most illnesses. You can find more information on the district health website here.

Students may not come to school if they have a fever, have been vomiting, or had diarrhea within the last 24 hours, without medication.  We know it is hard for families when their child is sick, but the best way for them to get better and to stop the spread is to keep children home when they are ill.

What are excused absences?

  • Illness

  • Doctor/Dentist Appointments 

  • School Bus Problems 

  • Religious Holidays/Cultural Observances

  • Funeral

  • Family Emergency

  • Family Activities - please fill out the Family Activity/Vacation form at least 10 days before the scheduled absence. 

Please visit for more details about each category above.

Where can I find the attendance policy?

Fine the official MPS policy here.

What materials does my child need for school?

Each child should have basic supplies such as pencils, markers, crayons, glue, scissors, notebooks and folders.  Specific grade level supply lists are posted in the spring. The 2023-24 supply list is available here.

How does lunch work?

Students are welcome to bring a lunch prepared from home (no nuts please!) or eat a school lunch.

With the introduction of the Free School Meals Law every student will receive one breakfast meal and one lunch meal each school day at no-cost. For more information, visit the MPS Culinary and Wellness website here

Help your student learn their PIN number. PIN numbers must be entered by every student, every meal. The meal PIN number is the same as the school identification number and can be found in the Parent Portal. If you do not know your student’s ID number, email or contact your school. 

Don’t forget to fill out your application for educational benefits. All families with children enrolled in the Minneapolis Public Schools district should complete an Educational Benefits application each year. In addition to student benefits, such as no cost meals and reduced transportation and activity fees, the information from completed applications is used to determine millions of dollars in benefits for MPS students, families, schools and communities. 

What is the Application for Educational Benefits?

The Application for Educational Benefits (formerly known as Free and Reduced Price Lunch) needs to be filled out each year by every family, as it helps determine funding for schools. Families of all income levels should complete the application. Applying matters! Information provided on Applications for Educational Benefits:

  • determines benefits for students and families such as no-cost meals at school, free bus cards, and discounted internet service.

  • generates about $100 million in district funding each year, and qualifies schools and community sites to serve no-cost food to youth 18 and under both after-school and in the summer months.

The Application for Educational Benefits can be completed at LINQ Connect Family Portal.

  1. Visit LINQ Connect Family Portal.

  2. Click on Start Meal Application (log in not required).

  3. Follow the instructions to complete your online application.

How does recess work?

Students have recess for 30 minutes each day. Students go outside every day unless the temperature is below zero or the windchill is 10 below. Please make sure to send winter gear (jackets, hats, gloves, snow pants and boots) each day. You are welcome to provide a set of boots and/or snow pants to leave at school in your student’s designated locker/cubby. Please label all items.

PTA works with teachers to provide winter gear for students who do not have appropriate items or forget something at home. If you are in need of winter gear, please reach out to the office or our school social worker, Ally Adamski, at 612-668-2784.

How will the teachers and staff communicate with me?

Look for the yellow Kenwood School folder in your child’s backpack. This folder will travel back and forth to school and will hold homework, notes from the teacher, field trip notices, school newsletters and other school information. Be sure you know when the teacher wants it back and when it should come back to you. Each teacher may have a slightly different schedule for folders, but always look for it on the first school day of the week, as that is when most school-wide communications come home.

Updates from school and the district are sent through School Messenger. Please make sure to update the office any time your contact information changes.  

I’m not sure I am getting the emails or texts.  How can I check?

Visit the district website here. You will be able to log in or create your account and update your preferences on how you receive information. You can also add others to the account.

Can I volunteer in my child’s classroom?

Every teacher has a different system of using parent volunteers. Most teachers don’t use volunteers until October. Teachers use the first month to allow students to familiarize themselves with Kenwood and the classroom routine. This way when a parent comes in to volunteer, the children already feel like classroom experts.  

In addition to classroom and field trip help, volunteers often help in the lunchroom, with PTA events and fundraisers, the Woodchuck Walk and MIA Art Adventures. If you have 30 minutes a week or 30 minutes a year, there are multiple ways to get involved if you are interested. Volunteering is not a requirement, but if you are interested we would be happy to have you.  Volunteer needs will be communicated through E-Blasts, classroom emails, and Sign Up Genius.  All volunteers attending events outside of the building (field trips) will need to complete a basic background check, provided free of charge by MPS. Background checks are valid for two years.  More information will be coming out regarding this process.

Each class also has a Room Parent(s) who acts as a main contact for the teacher and as a liaison between the PTA and classroom families. Room parents are responsible for identifying classroom needs and helping to communicate and support volunteer efforts within the class.

To express interest in volunteering, please email PTA Volunteer Chair Bridgitte Hobson here.

Does Kenwood participate in “green” living?

Kenwood promotes several environmental learning initiatives and efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle. Look for different programs going on around school throughout the year.

The Green Team has built and maintained a garden outside the school playground along 21st Street since 2010 and installed 2 more garden beds in the spring of 2021. In the spring, our students get to help plan and plant the garden. We also have a DNR certified school forest classroom at Cedar Lake.

Kenwood also participates in a twice-yearly bike/walk to school day. A few years ago, we started the Woodchuck Walk which allows students to walk through Kenwood Park once a week on their way to school in the Fall/Spring. 

Are there any dates that I need to be aware of?

The district calendar is posted online here.

We also have an events calendar here where you can find events more specific to our school. It’s a great idea to view the district calendar and enter dates into your personal calendar for when students will not have school so they do not take you by surprise. MPS is diverse, and the district has added days off throughout the year to better reflect the cultures and celebrations of our families. Please make sure you know what days school will not be in session.

September 6:  First Day of School, grades 1-12

September 8:  First Day of School, grade K

September 8:  Coffee and Kleenex (kindergarten and new families) 

September 26: Rosh Hashanah (NO SCHOOL)

October 5:  Yom Kippur (NO SCHOOL)

October TBD:  Curriculum Night

October 13:  Picture Day

October 19:  Parent Teacher Conferences (all day) (NO SCHOOL)

October 20-21:  MEA (NO SCHOOL)

November 4:  Teacher Record Keeping (NO SCHOOL)

November 15:  Picture Retakes

November 23-25:  Thanksgiving Break (NO SCHOOL)

December 9:  NO SCHOOL

December 19-30:  Winter Break (NO SCHOOL)

January 16:  Martin Luther King Jr. Day (NO SCHOOL)

January 27:  Teacher Record Keeping Day (NO SCHOOL)

February 20:   Presidents’ Day (NO SCHOOL)

February 21:   Parent Teacher Conferences (all day) (NO SCHOOL)

March 3:  NO SCHOOL

March 31:  Teacher Record Keeping Day (NO SCHOOL)

April 3-7:   Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)

May 29:   Memorial Day (NO SCHOOL)

June 15:   Last Day of School

How do conferences work?

The district sets aside two days per year (fall and spring) for teachers and caregivers to sit down and engage in conversation regarding individual students.  Each school will also designate 2 other evenings for conferences.  Fall conferences are scheduled for October 18 and 19.  Spring conferences are February 21 and 22. Interpreters are available upon request.  

How can I reach other parents? 

We have an online directory. The directory is the best tool for getting in touch with other parents and finding emails, phone numbers and addresses. It is an opt-in directory so you must sign up in order for your information to be included. Only Kenwood families will have access to this directory. More information will be sent after the start of the school year.

What is the Site Council?

The Site Council is a representative forum of licensed staff, parents, community members and school administration to give all stakeholders in the Kenwood School community a voice in the school’s decision-making process. Unlike the PTA, the Site Council does not host events and activities to build community or raise funds. Its primary focus is on school policies, the budget, and issues that Kenwood might face in relation to the District. See more details here.

What is the PTA?

The Kenwood PTA is a nonprofit organization made up of volunteer caregivers (parents, guardians) and Kenwood staff. The main goal of the PTA is to serve the entire school and we do this through three main areas: family events, arts programs (residencies), and fundraising.

PTA is open to all Kenwood caregivers and there are many different ways to help. We need you! Since the pandemic and Comprehensive District Design of 2020, the group includes many brand new members including board chairs—new faces are always very welcome.

Open monthly meetings take place this year at Kenwood on the first Thursday of every month at 6pm (see Events here).

Email for more information, or go ahead and fill out our interest form, no commitment required!

What kind of fundraising activities can I expect?

Donations are always welcome to Kenwood PTA and are used to help us host community events, support families with things like winter clothing, taxi service and scholarships, bring arts residencies to all children at the school, and other school programs.

Our main fundraising event for the school year is through the Give to the Max drive in November. The Read-a-Thon in February is another major fundraiser.

Fundraising is not emphasized during family events, which instead prioritize community building. (Spirit wear is still available for purchase at some events like the Kenwood Crawl in September.)

What are Residencies?

Residencies bring professional artists to Kenwood to work with students and teachers to enrich the classroom experience and reinforce aspects of current curriculum. Residencies are a crucial and unique piece of the Kenwood experience generated by teachers and funded 100% by the PTA. Some examples are: African drumming and dance with Brother Ghana, Midwest Food Connections, Taiko drumming, and Contemporary Native American Arts. Your child’s teacher will communicate residency dates and performance times to you.

What if I don’t have a ride to an event, performance, or conference?

The PTA has an arrangement with a cab company to provide free rides to Kenwood for events. If you need to get to the school for an event, performance or conference, call the main office at 612-668-2760 to make arrangements.

I have a question and don’t know who to ask.  What should I do?

First check the Kenwood PTA website (you are already here, welcome) and the Kenwood MPS website, here.

If it’s more of a district question, check out the MPS website here.

If you can’t find it in either of those places, feel free to reach out to the school office at 612-668-2760.


Kenwood’s MPS website:

Principal: Heidi Johnson (

School Secretary: Danielle Sanders (

School Family Liaison: Keri Mabry (

School Social Worker: Ally Adamski (

School Nurse: Traci Cruikshank (

Kenwood Office: 612-668-2760

Kenwood Attendance Line/Health Office: 612-668-2766